Graphic novels and comic books for kids are great for encouraging interest in reading!

Graphic novels and comic books for kids are great for encouraging interest in reading! #comicbooks #graphicnovels #childrensbooks #homeschool #homeschooling

Not very long ago at all, if someone had mentioned comics to me, my first thought would have been, “Like… Batman or Superman?” Something more for a teenager than a little boy like my son, who still likes stories about animals that talk and draw smiles on his pictures of cars.

But when my son showed interest in comic books, after reading Tintin with his dad, I dutifully checked the library and bookstores for something age-appropriate. I prided myself in being quite familiar with the world of children’s books. Haven’t I filled four bookcases with them in the last six year? And haven’t we been bringing a dozen a week from the library all this time?

But I was surprised. Tucked in the corners of of libraries and bookstores, there was a world of comic books for kids. Unfamiliar books – what could be more exciting for a book lover? It was like Christmas and my birthday at once!

There is indeed a great selection of comic books and graphic novels for kids these days, even early reader comic books! What are they like? Graphic novels for kids don’t have any violent content, but focus instead on the topics that kids can relate to – exploring their world, making friends, and learning about themselves.

What Is the Difference Between Comic Books and Graphic Novels?

If you ask me personally, I’d say that the difference is rather subjective and insubstantial. Both tell a story through a series of strips with illustrations and dialogues. Both can be coloured or black-and-white, and the subject can vary greatly! If you like one, you will usually like another.

Some people put emphasis on the difference between comic books and graphic novels, but for the purpose of this article, we have included both, and the important thing is, they are all great books!

Why Should You Read Comic Books?

Many children, especially the ones who have recently learned to read, find long pages of text daunting. Early reader books, on the other hand, do not provide them with enough engagement. That’s when comic books come in handy.

Comic books provide children with stories that they can connect to – they have complex plots, interesting characters, witty dialogues, and amusing noises! At the same time, they give children all the opportunities to be able to read the story without struggling – a reasonable amount of text per page, lots of visual cues, and since most of the text comes in the form of dialogues, shorter and simpler sentences.

But don’t underestimate comic books or graphic novels for kids! There is really no topic that they can’t tackle, as you will be sure to see from the list below.

Graphic Novels for Kids

More for Book Lovers

Do you know that there is a whole series of early reader comic books? They also work well as comic books for toddlers and preschoolers!

Play a free printable game of guessing the picture book by the first line!

Guess the Picture Book by the First Line

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Graphic novels and comic books for kids are great for encouraging interest in reading! #comicbooks #graphicnovels #childrensbooks #homeschool #homeschooling