200 Printable Magna Tiles Designs

200 Printable Magna Tiles Designs

Looking for new Magna Tiles designs to build? Here are our favourite Magna Tiles ideas to make, with printable cards for inspiration. No matter how exciting and desirable initially, even the best toys tend to fall out of favour. Take LEGO, for example! A great toy,...
The History of Space Suits with Astronaut Paper Dolls

The History of Space Suits with Astronaut Paper Dolls

Make astronaut paper dolls and introduce the history of space exploration to kids with these printable paper dolls! Space is full of wonders that we feel compelled to explore! Yet, space is also full of dangers that our bodies cannot survive unaided. Scientists and...
Birds: Free Pattern Block Designs

Birds: Free Pattern Block Designs

Get the free printable pack of bird pattern block designs for STEM centres in your preschool and kindergarten! Children will learn the names of birds, practice building skills and math – all at once. In most classrooms, whether homeschool or traditional, pattern...
Pumpkin House: Engineering Project for Kids

Pumpkin House: Engineering Project for Kids

Learn the tips and tricks of how to build a pumpkin house for an autumn STEM project with kids! If I learned something from my son, who loves building, it would be this – anything can be used for engineering constructions! I still remember him vividly at...
Human Body Anatomy Play-Dough Mats for Kids

Human Body Anatomy Play-Dough Mats for Kids

The human body anatomy printable play-dough mats let children combine science with art while building 3D versions of body systems. Play-dough is fun! Both my kids started playing with it when they were barely toddlers, and they don’t seem to plan on stopping any...
Animal Houses: Engineering Game for Kids

Animal Houses: Engineering Game for Kids

Using this nature-inspired engineering game for kids, you will learn about ten animals and the houses they build, then complete the engineering challenges and build your own versions of these amazing dwellings! Architecture has played a significant role in human...
Animal Tracks: Printable Nature Game for Kids

Animal Tracks: Printable Nature Game for Kids

Animal Track game is a printable educational game that will teach kids how to match animals with their tracks and where to find them! Most animals do not want to come in close contact with humans, but if you learn to notice and recognize their tracks, you will be able...
Math in Nature Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Math in Nature Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Math in Nature scavenger hunt for kids sends the players on an outdoor chase for nature treasures. While looking for items to check off their lists, the players learn interesting facts about nature, while practising basic math. In a scavenger hunt game, each player...
Free Printable Nature Journal

Free Printable Nature Journal

Learn how to start a printable nature journal with kids using a free template that offers ten creative prompts. This simple STEM activity will encourage kids to go outside, explore nature scientifically, then record their nature finds artistically! Our appreciation of...
Cloud Wheel with Cloud Identification Guide for Kids

Cloud Wheel with Cloud Identification Guide for Kids

This cloud wheel with a cloud identification guide will help children to observe weather and learn to identify ten of the most common types of clouds. Cirrus. Cumulus. Nimbostratus. I have always found the names of clouds fascinating. Why, they sound almost magical. I...
Nature Art Prompts: Birds

Nature Art Prompts: Birds

These six nature art prompts encourage artists of all ages to finish the ink drawings of birds with natural materials. Collaborate with nature and create gorgeous pictures! Making collaborative art is always an enriching experience. And this pack invites artists of...
Lego Duplo Animals and Alphabet

Lego Duplo Animals and Alphabet

Build Lego Duplo animals while learning the alphabet! Included are 26 free printable cards with animal and letter designs. My son was not among the natural early readers. He never worried about mastering his letters, as long as there were things to tinker with and his...