Make an All About My Mom free printable poster for a special mother figure in your life! And if you want to honour a beloved grandma, we’ve got you covered with separate templates for an All About My Grandma printable poster too.

Moms are special. With this free printable template, every child can let their mom know just how special they are by making a poster that captures and celebrates their individuality meaningfully.
(By the way, Dads are special, too! That’s why we created the All About Dad printable poster here.)
Of course, let’s not forget grandmothers, either. Grannies, nanas, and grandmas are awesome, and they are included in this free poster as well!
If you’re searching for a way to involve a child or multiple children in crafting a gift for Mother’s Day, Mom’s or Granndma’s birthday, or any special occasion, look no further! This printable questionnaire can be the perfect solution. You can print as many copies as you want for all the kids and grandkids and add them to the main present.
And if you like the process and the result, you can easily repeat this next year and the year after that. The answers are likely to be very different.
All About My Mom Questions
The questions are designed to be short and light-hearted so that even the youngest of kids wouldn’t run out of steam before finishing the prompts. They prompt a series of sincere, amusing, and creative answers.

Here are these questions:
- What does your mom usually say?
- What three facts come to your mind when you think about your mom?
- What award would you assign to your mom?
- What are your best memories made together?
- What would you give to your mom if you could give her anything?
There is also a space for drawing a portrait and a place to sign the portrait. This will also give the author an opportunity to sign the rest of the poster.
All About My Mom and All About My Grandma
There are many special names for mothers: Mom and Mum, Mommy and Mummy, Mama and Ma. We tried to include a variety of them in the posters. If your mother has a very unique title, we have a blank template as well.

The same goes for grandmothers. We have templates for Grandma, Gran, Granny, Grammy, Grama, and Nana.

By the way, the Lego flowers are a part of the LEGO Flower Bouquet set, and the succulents are from the LEGO Succulent set. Both are Mother’s Day gifts that my family gave to me in the previous year!
If your mother or grandmother has a different title, or if you want to create a poster for a stepmother, an aunt, a sister, or a guardian, here is the template that you can write your unique recipient’s title in!

All About Mom Posters Filled
These are the two posters that my children (7 and 10) filled for me.
My son (10) knows I have a blog, give great gifts, and like otome games (haha, I only started playing the Japanese choose-your-own-adventure video games half a year ago, but it made an impression). His fond memories include playing Pikmin 3 together and talking in bed at night. The sweet kid would like to give me a happy life.

My daughter (7) describes me as an artist who likes to read books and eat cheesecakes. Pretty accurate! Her memory is of our recent trip to the zoo, and she would like to give me one more dog.

My favourite part of their answers? They both wrote that I always say, “I love you.”
Get All About My Mom Free Printable Poster!
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Engage in writing while using one of 70 creative writing prompts for kids that describe interesting techniques and offer captivating scenarios! Compose a haiku or an acrostic; learn the use of alliteration, simile, and onomatopoeia; pen a letter to yourself in 5 years; brainstorm, summarize, and draft Venn diagrams; make a list of things to pack for an excursion to an uninhabited island; and many more!

Thanks for reading! If you are on Instagram, tag me @adventureinabox to show what your children came up with.