We have selected the best math apps for kids that make math learning engaging, creative, and fun!

20 Fun Math Apps for Children

Believing that the quality of screen time is as important as quantity, I have been collecting educational apps for my children for several years. It is a pretty universally acknowledged truth that we learn better when playing, and educational apps and video games don’t have to be an exception to this rule.

Does that mean that children should mostly learn with apps? No, that’s definitely not our practice. In our house, the idea is that if they use screens, they might as well have a choice of quality activities on their devices. Besides, some subjects are much more suitable to screen learning than others!

Math is one subject that is taught very well with apps, though. As a matter of fact, I cannot think of another subject that is as brilliantly presented in apps and video games. I wouldn’t say the same about reading or writing, though we have a selection of fun reading and writing apps for kids as well.

From what I have been observing, math apps for kids are based on very much the same principles as math workbooks for kids. Except they are often more colourful, creative, interactive, and just generally more fun.

As much as a parent can be objective, I don’t actually think that my son has any natural interest in math. He didn’t care to remember his age until he was six, and his counting was all over the place. He really is more into arts and building things. But ever since we started doing math with apps, he has enjoyed it, and he is doing very well for his grade level.

Are math apps the only thing we do for math? Not quite. We play board games, incorporate math into real life, and read math books. But for daily math practice in low elementary grades, my son used apps. He’s now in grade 3, and we have started Beast Academy, however he still loves playing his math apps now and again.

Educational Apps


These games teach number recognition, place value, mathematical operations, as well as shapes and patterns, and even some introduction to algebra - all while having fun.

I included the part about language skills necessary to successfully interact with the apps, so that parents of beginning readers could see how much parental help they might need with different apps. Fortunately, pretty much all of them have voice instructions in addition to text, and many of them are structured so that no language skills would be required at all, making them perfect for children all over the world, not just English-speaking students.


Logic and critical thinking are important aspects of math, and in elementary schools they are often studied along each other. Here are some great games to practice them!

More Math Activities

Practice addition, subtraction, and multiplication with a math movement dice!

Robot Math is a free printable game that challenges children to draw while working on simple geometry – shape drawing and recognition. Roll a die and see what kind of robot you will draw.

Thanks for reading!

20 Fun Math Apps for Elementary Students