Proverb Matching Game

Proverb Matching Game

Introduce children to proverbs by playing a free printable game of matching proverbs with their meanings! Let sleeping dogs lie. Beggars can’t be choosers. Strike while the iron is hot. Now and again, I would share one of these traditional wisdoms with my son,...
Finish the Proverb Writing Prompts

Finish the Proverb Writing Prompts

Finish the proverbs with these free printable worksheets. Both a great creative writing prompt for children and a memory exercise for adults! As you sow, so shall you reap. Very wise. As old proverbs tend to be. But… Doesn’t actually say much to modern...
Social Stories with Puppets

Social Stories with Puppets

Prepare children for new social experiences by making social stories and acting them out with shadow puppets! Getting ready for a birthday party, talking about what to do when you get lost, or outlining the rules of behaviour on the playground? I bet that as a parent...
Free Printable Emotion Wheel for Kids

Free Printable Emotion Wheel for Kids

Use this free printable emotion wheel for kids to help them learn about emotions and track their moods! I distinctly remember studying trigonometric functions at school – knowledge that I acquired through hours of repetitive exercises and never once used in my...
Printable Board Game for Kids to Learn about Emotions

Printable Board Game for Kids to Learn about Emotions

EMOTIONS is a fun printable board game for kids and adults to play together! Players will be challenged to act, discuss and imagine, while learning all about emotions and each other. Now that my kids are of the board game playing age, and we have begun our collection...
Emotion Paper Dolls for Teaching Kids about Emotions: Boy Edition

Emotion Paper Dolls for Teaching Kids about Emotions: Boy Edition

Make a printable dress-up paper doll that will teach children about emotions and the way they’re expressed through body language. Instead of costumes, this paper doll changes faces.  This version features a boy doll, specially designed for boys, who would look...