Is copying words in worksheets not engaging enough for your beginning writer? Try these free printable writing prompts for kids who begin to write. They are short and fun, and they prompt children to write while making little books about themselves! Learning to read...
Learn how to start a printable nature journal with kids using a free template that offers ten creative prompts. This simple STEM activity will encourage kids to go outside, explore nature scientifically, then record their nature finds artistically! Our appreciation of...
Another school year is coming to an end. Encourage kids to answer the questions in this free printable end-of-school journal to capture the year’s memories forever! When school comes to an end, it is a perfect time to create a little time capsule with...
This free printable journal for kids is filled with creative questions and writing prompts that will inspire even the most reluctant of writers to create their own book about what they know best. A book about themselves. People change. It’s especially noticeable with...
On New Year’s Eve, make this Best of the Year free printable journal together with kids! Filled with writing and drawing prompts, it captures their best memories of the past year and prompts them to make resolutions for the year to come. The end of each...
As a first-day-of-school tradition, make this little back-to-school book together with kids! Filled with writing and drawing prompts, it captures their likes and dislikes, hobbies and aspirations. A fun keepsake for parents and a creative way for teachers to get to...
If you like creating keepsakes and family traditions, you will like this one. Download this free printable template for a Q&A journal with 52 questions to ask your children – and fill it once a week or whenever convenient! People change. It’s especially...
As a part of the Junk Play series that focuses on creating crafts and toys for kids from recyclables, we made a little peek-a-boo book from envelopes. Lately, my son has been very partial to sea creatures – whales, sharks, and dolphins. We took him to see...