12 Climate Change Colouring Pages


Climate change colouring pages provide children with 12 practical and accessible ideas on how they can help the environment and reduce climate change.



When we begin to learn about climate change, we can experience a variety of emotions—disbelief, shock, concern, fear, or anger. Regardless of our initial reaction, the useful conclusion that we come to is that we need to act. But what can we do? That is the question that my children have been asking me for a couple of years since we first started reading about climate change.
After doing some research, this is the list of answers I came up with—for them, for me, and for all who care.
In order to present more opportunities for interaction and personalization, the climate action ideas come in a form of colouring pages. They can also be assembled into a giant colouring poster that provides the opportunity for collaborative work. In addition, there are also templates that students can use for illustrating their own ideas to help the environment.

Climate Action Colouring Pages feature:

  • 12 colouring pages with informative captions
  • 12 colouring pages without any text and information cards separately
  • The pages can be used individually or assembled into a giant poster
  • Template for making custom pages
  • Questions for discussion


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