Kids will love making galaxy Easter eggs! They are so easy and fun to paint. My two-year-old toddler made two of these space eggs.

Take your Easter egg craft to a new level and create little space eggs. Kids will love painting these! Two of our space eggs were made by my two-year-old toddler.

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Easter is a time of joy, especially for children, and what better way to add excitement to the festivities than by painting a few Easter eggs together?

The other day, my two-year-old son saw me painting these owl wooden eggs. Immediately, he was overcome with excitement over this new purpose for eggs. “Paint eggs!” he said and hurried to bring his set of paints in case I did not understand his intention. So, I had to quickly come up with an idea of how to paint eggs together.

These cosmic creations are easy to paint and also offer a unique twist to the traditional Easter egg craft. Creating mini-galaxies is very satisfying. You can look up galaxy pictures and get some ideas for swirls and colours — or you can do an abstract piece of art!

Materials for Galaxy Easter Eggs

wooden eggs

tempera or acrylic paints (blue, purple, red and white): We used gouache because it’s washable and works better for little children; I’d recommend acrylics for older kids and adults.

– (optional) varnish to seal the paint and make the eggs glossy

Tips for a Successful Craft Session with Kids

Painting, especially with children, can get messy. Take a few precautions!

  • Secure the eggs: The tricky part in painting the eggs is making sure they do not roll off the table, covering everything on their way with paint. That’s why our first step was to secure them with a couple of cells from an egg carton.
  • Cover Surfaces: Make sure to cover your work area with newspapers or a plastic sheet to protect against paint spills. I have a stack of placemats we use for crafts.
  • Wear Old Clothes: Painting can get messy, so ensure everyone wears old clothes or aprons to avoid staining their outfits.
  • Have Wet Rags Handy: Keep wet wipes or a damp cloth nearby for quick clean-ups, especially when working with younger children.

How to Paint the Galaxy Eggs

Now, take the paints out and have fun creating egg microcosms!

When selecting paints, it’s important to choose darker shades of blue and purple for an authentic galaxy look. Encourage your children to use thick layers of paint for better coverage. For younger children, you might want to limit the colour palette to avoid overwhelming them.

Encourage older children to experiment with different patterns and techniques, such as swirls, spirals, or even painting specific constellations. This can add a personal touch and make each egg a unique work of art.

Space Eggs: Simple and beautiful Easter craft for kids. Even toddlers can create their own egg cosmoses and give Easter gifts to relatives and friends.
Space Eggs: Simple and beautiful Easter craft for kids. Even toddlers can create their own egg cosmoses and give Easter gifts to relatives and friends.

I couldn’t resist making a space egg as well. After all, the opportunity doesn’t present itself every day.

The two eggs that Budster painted are the ones on the right, made with big nebulous strokes, and mine is the one on the left, painted by dabbing with the brush to create a mottled texture.

If you have a sponge, that would give the same effect. I actually wrote a whole different tutorial on sponge painting space art.

Space Eggs: Simple and beautiful Easter craft for kids. Even toddlers can create their own egg cosmoses and give Easter gifts to relatives and friends.

After painting the base colours, it’s time to add some celestial charm. Once the paint is dry, dilute some white paint in water and use a brush to flick it onto the eggs, creating a starry effect.

If you want to add durability and shine to your galaxy eggs, consider applying a layer of varnish. This will protect the paint from water damage and make the eggs easier to clean. If you’ve used gouache, ensure the varnish is not water-based to avoid smudging the paint.

And the eggs are ready!

Displaying Your Galaxy Easter Eggs:

  • Easter Egg Tree: For a stunning display, hang your galaxy eggs on an Easter egg tree. Use eye hooks and thin ribbons or string to do that.
  • Centrepiece Arrangement: Arrange your painted eggs in a decorative bowl or basket as a table centrepiece. Adding LED lights or small fairy lights can create a mesmerizing effect.
  • Window Decoration: Display the eggs in the window or suspend them using a clear fishing line. The natural light will enhance the colours and make the eggs appear to float in space.

More Egg Crafts and Activities

Bird Egg Pop-Up Cards

Easter Egg Suncatchers

Fantasy dragon eggs

Lego eggs!

Lego Eggs: an Easter craft that adults and kids can enjoy!
Take your Easter egg craft to a new level and create little space eggs. Kids will love painting these! Two of our space eggs were made by my two-year-old toddler.