Looking for ideas on how to stop global warming for kids? We created 12 colouring pages outlining some practical and attainable ideas on how to help the environment! My son has been watching David Attenborough’s videos ever since he was a toddler. Planet Earth,...
Explore our globe in greater detail by making a magnetic tile Earth with printable stickers. A great activity for Earth Day – or any time you want to study geography with kids! Magnetic tiles have surprising versatility as an educational toy. We’ve used...
Use the Earth Science Trivia game and learn more about our amazing planet, while playing this printable educational game for kids! Earth is a truly unique and wonderful place. Billions of animals, plants, and other living organisms co-exist together on our planet,...
Our Endangered Animals game introduces kids to the topic of endangered species, threats to their survival, and efforts being made to protect them. Many animals that live on Earth right now are considered endangered. There are currently more than 31,000 species on the...
Celebrate Earth Day with kids by making this Earth craft from air-dry clay! I always get excited about trying new art and craft supplies! Our latest discovery was in the sculpting department and, after a few tries, turned out to be my favourite air-dry clay to use...
For preschools and kindergartens, supplement a weather study unit with this cute and free printable weather wheel for kids! Weather observation is one scientific interaction we all have with nature on a daily basis. We wake up, we look out of the window, and we...
This cloud wheel with a cloud identification guide will help children to observe weather and learn to identify ten of the most common types of clouds. Cirrus. Cumulus. Nimbostratus. I have always found the names of clouds fascinating. Why, they sound almost magical. I...
Practice separating recyclable items from trash by following the bingo cards of this printable Recycling Bingo Game! A fun Earth Day activity for kids that will introduce them to the basic ideas of recycling. Recycling is an important subject these days. Recycling...
This recycling sorting game for kids is a fun way to introduce them to the basics of re-purposing waste. It is great either as an Earth day activity or to get them acquainted with the recycling program in your neighbourhood! Also check our new Recycling Games...