Use our free printable fall ice breaker questions to start a lively conversation going at the family table! These autumn ice breaker questions are made in the form of printable coasters, making them great for autumn gatherings.
Both my husband and I work from home, and our children are homeschooled. We don’t spend much time away from each other, so when we get together at a table, it isn’t a big wonder that conversation between our family members runs thin sometimes. When that happens, a conscious attempt to start a conversation can fix things, though there are times when we also choose to have a quiet dinner.
In the past, I considered our situation and our problem somewhat unique, but recently I heard my friend complain that it can be difficult to get her son to talk when they sit down for a family meal. I suppose it happens with everyone. There are times when my son can talk non-stop, and there are times when his responses are monosyllabic.
But no kid can resist a bit of a game! And our autumn ice breaker questions are really a kind of a game.
How Fall Ice Breaker Questions Work
Everyone at the table gets random cards, and they need to express their opinion on the options offered. Each card provides two alternatives, like in a game of “Would You Rather?”, and that acts as a prompt for a discussion.
For older children and adults, the alternatives add a little playful element to the activity, and for younger children, they make it easier to answer the question. All the participants are, however, encouraged to elaborate on their answers as much as they want and also give their opinions to other people’s questions.
Fall-Themed Ice Breaker Questions as Coasters
Our conversation starters are made in the form of coasters so that they can be integrated into those family meals when everyone gets together. You can try it on a Friday night or whenever you feel like bringing a little surprise to the table. All you need to do is print them, then cut them out. If you want to reuse them, you can glue them onto coaster blanks.
Then, put the coasters out as you set the table, or let everyone choose a card as they sit down.
Examples of Fall Ice Breaker Questions
Walking in the fresh air or reading a book under a plaid?
Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
Pumpkin patch or corn maze?
Family gathering or family outing?
Warm sweater or warm blanket?
Staying at home or going to new lands?
All of the questions are fall-related but can be interpreted as freely as you like. For instance, someone answering the question “Apple pie or pumpkin pie?” can decide whether it is about eating pies, baking pies, or simply looking at pies. If you want to know my opinion, I prefer to eat apple pies, but think that pumpkin pies look better on the table!
Some questions may not be followed by long discussions, while others will result in some surprisingly lengthy debates.
Make Your Own Fall Ice Breaker Questions!
There are eighteen questions included as well as six blank cards for writing your own.
After having a go with our premade printable conversation starters, you can ask everyone at the table to write their question, shuffle the cards, and distribute these new questions for discussion at random.
And if you enjoy this activity, we also have free winter ice breaker conversation starters!
And for lengthier discussions, we prepared a set of free Christmas conversation starters that introduce fun facts about celebrating Christmas around the world!
Download Autumn Ice Breaker Questions!
More Autumn Projects
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Thanks for reading!
Did you use our fall ice breaker questions at your family gathering? Snap a picture and tag us @adventureinabox!